
Hungry, hungry women!

As my affair with film is a strong one, I love observing continuity in film, and sometimes such delicious “mistakes” are made! Though… who’s to say it was a mistake?

Pretty Woman

One shot she is devouring the croissant – after, as her hair and the men’s shirt she wears tells us, a storm of a night – then, after panning back from across the breakfast table full of silverware filled with the entire hotel roomservice menu laid oud proud and waiting to be enjoyed, she is caught redhanded with a pancake…

I personally see no continuity error in this scene, rather the nature of her character! Where did the croissant go, so shiftly? No questions on my side 😉

Perhaps Vivian’s natural hair is a hint to her own nature… Tempestuous, uncontrollable, wild, in need of the changing winds. Very hungry for happiness, pleasure and love and almost shameless about it.

Throughout the film, Vivian’s hair is constantly changing, and each coif has it’s meaning:

When she is unintentionally shocking people, still unpolished, but very much herself, open and happy, her hair is wild and curly (just like her). When she tries to fit in or impress others, it looks like she spent the afternoon in the hairdresser’s chair getting it blown out to smoothness, polished, and having even more decoration added like sparkly hair pins and hair extensions. Every time she is being vulnerable and dares to show her real self her real hair comes out. Un-styled, untamed and ultimately unpolished!

Every time she is trying to “hide” her real self, her hair is hidden along with it. The first time we lay eyes on her, she is shown getting ready, applying her heavy make-up, zipping up her leather boots, and… with pin-straight shiny blonde hair in the form of a wig. Of course, the wig is as obvious as her intentions for galavanting amongst Hollywood Boulevard at midnight… But nothing could have prepared us, or love interest and “serious man” Edward for the big reveal only minutes later, when we are treated to a scene in which she is sleeping vulnerably in the hotel bed, after having washed off the mask of make-up, and taken off the fake hair. Revealed is a crown of romantic wild curls. Edward is deeply touched by this move. It is a pivotal moment in the story.

Long live greedy desire, the openness to pleasure and an inherited frivolity, the siren-like quality women possess to draw such sensuous virtues in and brighten the masculine world around us, with honey stained, chocolate dusted, caramel drizzled and red pepper spiced vigor.

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